Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wargames! ....rambling.....

(start ramble)
I thought I was exclusively a eurogamer back in 04 when I officially became addicted to this. That was so until the day that I played Wizard Kings. Since then I've played a lot more wargames despite the difficult logistics: usually long on rules, long on play, and generally just 2 player.

Well, this weekend I had the chance to play not one but TWO wargames in one day: Hannibal, and Combat Commander. Wow. Hannibal, despite its age, is a TRUE beauty. It's the grandaddy of the card-driven wargames (after We the People).

Tomorrow, I'll be playing BattleLore which I haven't even opened in over a year. Yeah! War!

Lance has become my partner in crime. We've played a few scenarios of Combat Commander, Hammer of the Scots, and Crusader Rex. Sweet. Now I'm trying to convert Andy and JD.....

Seriously though, I find wargames extremely appealing mainly for 2 reasons: they are representations of actual historical events, and they are simply TOTALLY engrossing. Oh, and just like some AT games like Battlestar Galactica, the games are all about the narrative.

(end ramble)

In other news, I can't host this week. The family will be in town. Thanks for being such an awesome group. Happy Holidays to all!

1 comment:

Gaming Diva said...

Thanks for including me in your gaming group! Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Holiday Season and may Santa bring every one a game on their wishlist!