(playing Ghost Stories)
Just a summary....because there is just too much I could say...
Games that ROCKED: After the Flood (already owned), BSG, Space Alert, Chicago Express, and of course Dominion (but I've had that one for a while)
Good games: Middle Kingdom, Sylla, Traders of Carthage, Ghost Stories, Cities (best Carcassonesque filler game I've played), le Havre (very nice, easier, longer but more forgiving than Agricola....feels like it has more breathing space, more wiggle room....will most likely pick up), Steel Driver (preferred Chicago Express because of the way stocks and dividends work in CE which is more like 18XX). Duck Dealer was pretty sweet, but we played with one key rule wrong; a replay with the right rules will likely place it under "Rocked" above.....now, if i could only find it at a reasonable price...
(Le Havre)
Crappy games: Surprisingly none. I didn't play a single crappy game. Hurray!
Unlike BGG 07, had the pleasure of playing games I already own/know like RftG, GtR, King of Siam, and Cuba. It's nice to play stuff you know already.
Other thoughts:
-Tom Lehman is a cool guy. Very humble, professional, and sharp. He signed my worn copy of RftG. I heard rumors of playtesting the second expansion at the con...
- Roll through the ages looks intriguing
- The new Through the Ages apparently will get a nice facelift (at least to the player mats, which is what they had at the con).
- Wasabi sold like hotcakes. May not be the next Puert... Agricola, but it sure looks sexy.
Go and vote:
heh, Tom was playtesting the 2nd and 3rd expansions.
It was great fun as always. I didn't play a single game that sucked either, but I played fewer new games than you did.
Roll Through The Ages will be a must pick up for me after playing that one.
Cities was good; I wasn't overly excited about it, though.
It sounds like I missed good stuff, but did find time to watch a couple sessions of drunken werewolf online. I would like to play Ghost Stories and Wasabi. I am currently in Denver this week for the holidays. No doubt there will be some family style gaming going on this week, hopefully including Stone Age and Portobello Market <2 of my new acquisitions>.
Roll through the ages seems like a perfect game: small, interesting decisions for a short game, and it has dice. Sweeeet.
Good ones... I just got Battle Star Galactica... there will be some frakking backstabbing soon.
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