Thursday, September 11, 2008

A storm is coming...

....and you have to evacuate, what 3 games from your collection would you definitively not leave behind?

Seriously though, my prayers are with everyone.


Rob said...

Most of my stuff is fairly new, so I could potentially replace it eventually...

But I'd probably bring Race for the Galaxy, Phoenicia, Puerto Rico.

bentwookie said...

If I am being practical I would take Nacht der Magier, being that it is a glow in the dark game and without power the most appropriate one I have. My other choices would probably be Starfarers of Catan and Railroad Tycoon, only because they are both discontinued games.

Marty said...

oddly enough, I brought almost no games. I grabbed a box of card games just in cas I get to do some gaming.

If anyone down in our area is still there, I hope you are okay.

I'm up in Austin; so far all I know is that we lost power at the house.

Chime in on the comments and let us know you are okay.

Anonymous said...

Well, I brought San Juan, Wings of War, and St. Petersburg myself but that was mostly to have something to play during the downtime.

My family and I are fine, we are in Dallas right now and are heading back tomorrow to see if we still have a place in Seabrook. Hope everyone else is doing fine!

Rob said...

Oddly enough, I brought games that I enjoy quite a bit, but they are not my all time favs. They were basically more practical for the place that I was going to be staying at:

San Juan and Bohnanza

I stayed with Carmen at the Clear Lake regional hospital (where she works) until this morning. San Juan is very good with 2-4 players, and Bohnanza can be enjoyed by gamers and nongamers alike. I didn't play either, if you were wondering.

Power is back!!! (and work won't be for a while, so if you want to play something during the day the next few days, let me know!).

Tom H. said...


How is everyone.

I'm in Austin now. Trying to break up a cat fight at my parents' in Spring, my right hand got attacked by my cat. Went to Austin to get treatment for the infection I got. It seems to finally be healing.

Planning on coming to Clear Lake tomorrow (Wed.) but worried about all the scarcity. Ooh someone want to design a Euro called Ike Hits Houston.

I took Axis and Allies Minis, Some GURPS and DnD books, and Runebound.

I was a bit worried about the infamous two gamers with the largest collections in our area. Tony and Marvin. If you have 6,000 games like Tony (I believe), where do you keep them and do you wet your pants when a hurricane comes.

Hope everyone is safe and that life gets better soon.


Andy said...

Pick only three games? That's like Sophie's Choice. I couldn't pick.

Gaming Diva said...

After I grabbed everything I needed for my dogs, wedding album, pix, etc. I only grabbed San Juan because it was small and could be played by 2. I did have Puerto Rico, Scrabble, Clue, and various other games on the computer.

We are back in League City. Power is on in our area. Phones on and off. Water is on but we have to boil. I have 1 tree and 9 palms that need to be put back into the ground and a few roof shingles that need to be repaired. After seeing all the devastation, I am amazed to see how little damage we had. We were extremely lucky! Hope every one is safe. I look forward to gaming Soon!