Thursday, April 23, 2009

Better keep the day job!

Thanks Rob for hosting! I hope all goes well this morning!

I told my husband that I better keep my day job. I would never make it as an alien ship builder...sigh!


JosephC4 said...

What a great game! (Galaxy Trucker)

Does that mean you did not like it? or that you liked it but did not do well at it.

I can see how it runs counter to women's natural tendency to nurture what they have made.
The universe is a cruel place.

Rob said...

It was a chaotic blast... literally for Denise. :)

Thanks for being a good sport, and trying it out. Not everyone has to like every single game out there. I sure don't, but like you, I'm willing to play a game once or twice because a fellow gamer enjoys it, even when I don't... except for Bid Fluff Daddy games


Joseph, she didn't like it.

Denise, the surgery went well, but I'm having pain!

Lewis AND Denise, again, thanks for coming by last night. It kept me distracted and not focused on the surgery.

Rob said...

Oh, and Le Havre was good too. I think 3 players is the way to go. It's a good length. I do have a hard time optimizing my moves in this game because of the HUGE number of options every turn. But therein lies the challenge...

Gaming Diva said...

Rob, to be honest I did enjoy the third round. I wish I had seen the completed ship in the posting to understand what I was suppose to be building. Round one was a chaotic mess for me. By round two I knew enough to know I had totally messed up so I could do is start the timer. At least by round 3 I still had a ship and actually scored points. You have to admit we did do a lot of laughing!

I have yet to win a game of Le Havre but I am improving with each game. Each game has been so totally different and so challenging that I keep wanting to play.

Sorry to hear your in pain. You do know what takes away the pain...more gaming! :-)

Joseph, check out: First game impression: Game or Amusement Park Ride and you will know others have felt like me. This is one game I have to play again before I can answer. -_-

Rob said...

I also enjoyed Galaxy Trucker because it seems that the only way I can beat Lewis is with luck and chaos. :)

Gaming Diva said...

Imagine how I feel! I'm still learning the games while you guys are trying out strategies. I'm loving the challenge! :D