Monday, February 16, 2009

Gaming this week....

Yes, I'm hosting this week...

Thursday at 7pm.

Hope to see you all.


Marty said...

sorry, that is the joint spades/boardgame meetup night up in town. I will be at Jax Grill for that.

Gaming Diva said...

I can make it. Do you have the instructions for Ingenious that was left at Cafe Express?

Rob said...

I do have the instructions. I just haven't seen her ever since I mentioned that I had it. I'll give it to you or Joseph... although it seems that he can't make it.

bentwookie said...

As of now I should be able to make it. I don't know of any conflicts. Looking forward to it.

Thunder said...

I should be able to make it. Count me!

Is there anything specific that will make it to the table or I could bring? Anything I could pre-read the rules for?


Lewis said...

I'll be there.

Rob said...

So we are 5 more than likely.

I coud play anything. The only one I haven't played that would like to try is Leader 1 (the cycling game). Then there's Leonardo da Vinci that I've pulled out multiple times, and I'm just bound to not play again. :)

I could play more Tribune, neuroshima Hex, Pandemic, Thurn and Taxis, St petersburg with expansion, Indonesia (5 is perfect for Indonesia), etc..... I feel like I haven't played games in a while....

Rob said...

Brent, anything you feel the urge to play?

Andy said...

Pick something boring and mind numbing, Brent. I can't make it. Argh!

Rob said...

Would anyone be interested in Blackbeard (piratey game by GMT)?

Doesn't have to be tomorrow... just checking to see what the level of interest is.

Gaming Diva said...

Thanks Rob for hosting! I had fun as usual. Hope we didn't keep you up too late. :-)

Rob said...

I had a blast as always. JD kept me late (until 130am), so it wasn't your fault Denise. :) We opted for a shorter game JD brought; the card game would have been too much at 1am.

We played: Pickomino (the dice screwed Lewis and me), Galactic Emperor (Mike won because neither one of his neighbors attacked him all game long.... Denise, and me), St Petersburg with new expansion cards (Lance, I think you'll like it), and Button Men (JD's quick combat dice game).

Fun times as usual.