I love Agricola, don't get me wrong. But like I was telling the guys last night (Joseph, JD, and Lewis), this is one of those games that I agonize over. Every painful decision has to be measured carefully. There are few actions available per round, and just 14 rounds... definitively not enough to do all you wish you could do.
We played our first game using the K deck (the hard deck). To me, it felt almost like learning Agricola all over again. The powers are just a bit more complex, but not by much. The issue really lied in the fact that they were completely unfamiliar to all of us. By now, after 10 games or so using the easy deck, I recognize a large group of the cards, so formulating a plan isn't much of a pain any more (with the easy deck). Using the new deck was very challenging (ask Joseph who played almost all of his cards, but still had a hard time scoring points.... he was blinded by the sheer power of all the cards in front of him). I look forward to trying them out again at some point. I am glad to see though that they won't necessarily replace the easy deck: they K deck has nothing to offer that would make the easy deck look obsolete. It'll then just be a matter of being in the mood for either one of the decks. Fun stuff.

Then we played a bunch of lighter stuff. Race for the Galaxy (ok, not THAT light), Fairy Tale (as I've said before, my favorite filler), No Thanks (getting tired of this one given how much we've played it lately), Ra, and a game that JD brought that combines Crokinole with the game Sorry. It didn't seem like Sorry at all though, but it was fun and simple....perfect to be playing late at night. It definitively felt a bit more like Crokinole.
Someday I'll get a Crokinole board (Marty, where did you get yours?), and Pitch Car.... probably my 2 fav dexterity games. The only dexterity game I own is Bausack, but I haven't tried it yet....
Joseph: my punch was nice and sharp for the first 75% of the punched stickers. The last 25 didn't 'feel' clean when punched.
I got my Crokinole board from my friends the Rozmiareks. Ed made the board for me. If you are going to invest in buying one, I suggest probably going for a Grey Owl. They are very very nice. I think there are more nice ones on the market these days, though, since the time when I looked, so there may be other excellent choices now.
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