Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh here it comes!

Well, I better go empty out my collection of games. They will all be on sale. Agricola is officially on its way to me.

Unfortunately it won't be here on time for next week's gaming (Tuesday 8/5...mark your calendars). I may just have to host again on Thursday. :)


Marty said...

good, then it won't arrive until I'm back in town. :)

Andy said...

I call dibbs on the Euros!

bentwookie said...

is anyone going to U-Con tomorrow? Sorry off topic. But I look forward to Agricola.

Rob said...

I had signed up for Midnight comics, but I don't think I'll go because I'm on call. I'd rather be closer to Galveston if I have to drive down there.

Oh, and yes, Agricola is pretty sweet.

Rob said...

I ended up staying at home.

Had a great time playing games with Lance today:

Hammer of the Scots: probably the most intense and closest game of this I've had yet...with a dramatic almost movie-like ending

1960 The Making of the President: a very strong session for me right up until the two VERY weak last rounds of the game, that destroyed my chances for victory.

Thanks for coming by! My wargames are happy to have received some lovin'.