Thursday, June 25, 2009

News: Boardgame helps prisoners escape

New York Times (June 22, 2009) explains how two reporters used a board game to help their dramatic escape from the Taliban:

"On Friday evening, in a planned bid to keep their captors awake as late as possible to ensure that the men would eventually sleep soundly, Mr. Ludin challenged the militants who slept beside them in the same room to a local board game. When at last the games ended at midnight, the journalists waited for the militants to fall asleep."">

When at last the games ended at midnight, the journalists waited for the militants to fall asleep."

Fourth of July Gaming?

Hey guys. Im not sure who all would be interested or not, but if people arent going out of town would anyone be interested in some gaming that weekend? I know im seeing my in-laws at some point, but other then that i think my weekend is fairly open. Maybe we could find a park and grill out or something. Just a thought. :)


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gaming tomorrow....Thurs 7pm

Anyone interested? I could host tomorrow. Sure it's last minute, but things have been crazy at casa de Ramirez. I could have my arm twisted to try some more Automobile, but I'm up for anything else. Actually, I may be more in the mood for something goofy like Cuttrhoat Caverns, which hasn't seen play.

NOTE: I had to postpone it to tomorrow, THurs.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Games Tues @ Cafe Express Bay Area and requests

Come out and play.
I would like to play:
Le Havre (3 player - would like to start close to 6:00)
St Petersburg, or
Merchants of Venus.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tuesday game night (6/2)

Come on out tomorrow night for food and games at Cafe Express - Bay Area.
Thanks to Jonathon for hosting.